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Bob’s Bar Opens on Wood Street, Bengaluru
Byg Ventures is proud to announce the launch of the fifth Bob’s Bar, located in Wood Street, Ashok Nagar. Famous for its classic flavors and no-frills drinking experience, the well-known bar continues to expand. This launch strengthens its presence in the city’s growing bar and restaurant sector. The Ironhill Story: Teja Chekuri’s Exclusive Interview with […]
The Leela Bhartiya City Unveils The Library Legacy Reborn
Bengaluru, November 2024 – The Library Bar, the legacy bar at The Leela Bhartiya City, is introducing a bold new menu. They’ve named it ‘The Library Legacy Reborn.’ The menu brings a regional twist to globally acclaimed classic cocktails. Each drink on the menu celebrates the rich bounty of locally sourced ingredients, elevating the cocktail […]